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Navigating to the top – #womenonboards

By 17 februari, 2016juni 17th, 2017No Comments

Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, La Red and Panteia have mapped the positions that will become vacant in the coming years in Executive and Supervisory Boards of the top 200 companies, who the relevant decision makers and stakeholders are and which networking strategies ‘board ready’ women can use to reach the top. Qualifications alone are insufficient for ‘board ready’ women to reach the top. You will have to be visible to the right people in the right places to be awarded that top position.

The research by La Red and Panteia offers concrete guidance to ‘board ready’ women and contributes to the aim of ‘Women to the Top’ (a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and employers organization VNO-NCW) to have more women appointed. This initiative is aimed at achieving a better balance between men and women in both Executive and Supervisory Boards as laid down in the law ‘Management and Supervision’. To download the complete research, please click here.

Based on the data gathered by La Red and Panteia a tool has been developed that provides a convenient overview what positions become vacant in the upcoming years. This tool is available on Please also see the press release ‘Bussemaker: einde aan black box rond vacatures in Nederlandse boardrooms’ .

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